Outreach is also taking care of each other. We serve one another in weekly worship as nursery workers, communion assistants, ushers, readers of scripture, musicians, worship techs, and caregivers of our important worship space. We gather in Fellowship before and after worship and on Wednesday nights to become a family, so we can know each other to care for each other. We serve each other throughout the week by praying for one another, sending care cards, helping each other with moves and difficult life transitions. We have fun together monthly at our Senior Lunch Bunch, after choir at a local watering hole. Mothers and fathers gather to plan youth events.
Messiah Lutheran Church is a member of Reynoldsburg community ministries. Where we serve with Joseph’s Coat Clothing and Furniture Ministries and HEART Food Pantry. We also serve our community through shut-in visitation and serving the hungry at the YMCA Family Center.. We are blessed to be able to serve a weekly meal every Wednesday night, opening our doors to our local neighbors and offering Christian education, activities, and worship to family members of all ages.
1560 Meals served Monthly out of our kitchen.
150+ meals delivered out every Wednesday

Joseph Coat’s mission is to answer God’s call to love and serve our neighbor by providing clothing, furniture and household goods to those in need.

Modeling God’s Love, HEART Nourishes hungry neighbors with healthy nutritious food today, connects them to life building resources for tomorrow so they can flourish for a lifetime.

Messiah Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Southern Ohio Synod of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). Through our parent organizations, we support a variety of global ministries, including ELCA World Hunger, Global Missions, and Lutheran World Relief, which provides funding and volunteer aid in times of natural disaster and other urgent need. Check out their websites for more information.
Southern Ohio Synod
ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)